Hello and Welcome!

My name is Jay and I work in public accounting helping our clients manage risk and improve operations. Identifying areas of improvement and implementing solutions is what drives me and what I love to do. I want to take this expertise and apply it to everyday situations.

Working in public accounting has taught me vital organizational skills and techniques, as well as how to identify inefficiencies and apply best practices to achieve financial goals. I am providing you with the same techniques that can be applied to your own finances.

Managing money can seem complicated at times and, in fact, one of the reasons I decided to pursue a degree in accounting is to be able to better understand how to manage money.

The good news is that it actually isn’t that complicated. I created Every Budget Counts to serve as a go to resource for high quality information that can help put you in control and reach your financial goals sooner, smarter, and with less stress. 

The Mission of Every Budget Counts

The goal of this site is to provide a growing resource of quality information that will help you find financial success. What exactly is financial success? This is up to interpretation as it is a very individual thing but I think most would agree that the following sums it up pretty well:

The ability to afford what you need and what you want, now and in the future, comfortably. Now the question becomes, “how?”

Proper Money Management Strategies

This includes creating and following a budget which will help you understand where your money is going. Following a budget will also help you pay off any debt while also allowing you to build your savings, including retirement.

Living Within Your Means

At first glance this might seem restrictive but, simply put, living within your means is when you can afford your lifestyle. This can be achieved by simplifying your lifestyle, by increasing your means, or both.

No Stress

We define financial success in many different ways but if I had to sum it up in a few words I would say that it is characterized by a lack of financial stress and worry.

Take a deep breath in, hold it for a few seconds, and exhale. Regardless of your current financial situation there is always a path forward. I want this site to help you find that path forward and provide high quality strategies and information throughout your journey to financial wellness.

Where to Start

The very first step forward is to set up a budget. It doesn’t have to be fancy or complicated and it definitely doesn’t have to be intimidating. I have a great post here that covers everything you need to know to get started with your own budget, from the most basic to the advanced. I have some great free tools available as well to help you get started below, as well.

I also talk about some of the most influential personal aspects affecting financial success and how to deal with them effectively including having the proper mindset and avoiding procrastination.

These two things specifically, can make or break a quality financial plan and hinder other aspects of life as well.

Finding Solutions

Every Budget Counts is all about finding solutions. Whether you’re looking for ways to save money, pay off debt, or invest intelligently, it is my goal to provide you with the guidance you need in finding those solutions.

Make sure to check out the recommendations page (also linked above in the menu) for a living list of products and services that can help save you money on services you already use or help keep you informed and make keeping on top of your money easy. Everything you find there I have either used, currently use, or believe can help you succeed.

Next Steps

The best way to get started is to know where you stand financially.
Knowing exactly how much money comes in and goes out each month, how much savings you have, and how much debt you have is crucial information. The simple act of writing this information down is such an important step toward successfully accomplishing your goals.

We’ve made this first step easy by creating intuitive, easy to use templates that will help guide you through this process while keeping things as simple as possible.

Simply sign up below to receive your free templates.