
There are so many great tools out there that can help us achieve our goals and make life just a little bit easier. Sometimes, the hard work has already been done for us. After all, one of my goals with Every Budget Counts is to do just that.

I created this resource page to easily list recommended services, products, and companies that I use and/or those I know are valuable. This way you can quickly find great products and services all in one place. You can save thousands of dollars all from one page!

Coursera: Sometimes education can be the difference between successfully landing that job or getting passed over for someone else with better qualifications. Be the person with the better qualifications. Coursera offers thousands of courses and many accredited certificates and degrees.

Udemy: Offering over 150,000 online courses, Udemy probably has what you are looking for if you are looking to learn new things. If you need or want to learn a new skill, be it photography, coding, personal development, or probably anything else you can possibly think of, it’s available.

Rakuten/Ebates: If you’ve never heard of this before, you’re welcome. Make money back on items you would buy online anyway. How does it work? Basically, companies pay Rakuten a small portion of the purchase price for you buying through them and they pass on a portion of that money to you. Simple and effective.

BillShark: One of the best first steps to saving money each month is figuring out how to pay less for the things that you already have to pay for. BillShark makes that easy by negotiating your bills for you. They have a 90% success rate and only get paid if they save you money. Also, they only get paid a percentage of what you save, so you don’t pay out of pocket.

Mint Mobile: Let’s face it, phone plans tend to overcharge and underperform. Mint Mobile does the opposite with plans as low as $15 a month and options to customize your plan so you receive (and pay for) exactly what you need. Their plans even come with a money back guarantee.

Digit: Speaking from experience, sometimes saving money can seem impossible. Digit is an app that connects with your bank account and makes automatic transfers into a savings account with them based on what your spending habits and what you should be able to save. Transfers are completely free and the app makes the entire thing incredibly simple and easy.



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